buy Clenbutaxyl Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
🏃 Weight Loss


49.00 USD

Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride
Pack: 100 tabs (40 mcg/tab)

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U.S. Domestic

Clenbutaxyl Detailed

What is Clenbutaxyl

In many countries Clenbuterol Hydrochloride substance is used as a bronchodilator in the treatment of asthma. It stimulates the central nervous system (CNS), its effect is comparable with adrenaline. Side effects of the drug coincide with the consequences of use of other CNS stimulants, such as ephedrine. In recent years, Clenbutaxyl containing Clenbuterol Hydrochloride is widely used in bodybuilding and fitness with regard to its ability to burn fat, so it is often used by athletes for weight loss. Clenbutaxyl is recommended to be taken after a course of steroids, as a reducing agent. Its effect is that during the use of excessive amounts of food the grease is hardly delayed. Clenbutaxyl also allows you save power rates at the same level and continue training without sacrificing intensity. Diet is the same as the one during the course.

Clenbutaxyl is mainly used to increase muscle hardness, increase vascularity, retain the shape and strength of the muscles in a lack of calories. To reduce the amount of fatty tissue, it is necessary to take Clenbutaxyl in combination with high-protein diet, the average intake of carbohydrates and minimum consumption of fat. The drug has weak steroid characteristics. It can be taken to build mass and increase strength in bodybuilders. Recommended diet includes high protein intake. Clenbutaxyl is quite possible to be used as a stimulant. To provide the best stimulating effect, it must be combined with the reception of increased consumption of carbohydrates.

How to take Clenbutaxyl

Daily dose of Clenbutaxyl is 120-140 mcg for men and 80-100 mcg for women. Strict adherence to the rules of admission is recommended. If not, it will result in positive side effects.

Course of treatment lasts for two weeks. It is not recommended to take longer because in the future efficacy is markedly reduced. After the course there must be a two-week break, and then the course is repeated. Doses may vary depending on how the patient responds to the side effects. Recommended standards for men - from 5 to 8 tablets, for women - from 1 to 4.

Clenbutaxyl loses its thermogenic characteristics in one and a half to two months of continuous use, after which the body temperature is gradually getting back to normal. Anabolic and anti-catabolic properties are reduced considerably after about two and a half weeks after starting. Noting the long half life of Clenbutaxyl, the best effect is achieved when taking the drug for two weeks and then in two weeks again.

Side effects of Clenbutaxyl

The most common adverse effects of the drug are:

- Tremors (about 20% of cases);

- Excessive sweating, especially in men. Try increased consumption of sodium (salt);

- Nausea, anxiety and insomnia appear more frequently in women.

Thus , side effects are not of critical nature and in most cases eliminated by antiallergic agents. Other rarer negative manifestations include:

- Palpitations (6%);

- Increased pressure (6%);

- Diarrhea (5%);

- Convulsions (in case of overdose).

If you follow the recommended dosage, the worst thing that can happen is hand shake and headaches. These symptoms go away quickly. Many athletes do not feel any negative reaction of the drug.

Clenbutaxyl Reviews
Jul 29, 2022 (12:00)

How do women use this product?

Apr 15, 2022 (04:09)

I used it for 2 weeks and had some hands shake, that is normal?

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