Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma Substance: Methandienone Pack: 100 tabs (20 mg/tab)Lab Test: View Test Result 🗏
Absolutely loved these orals! Great product!
Customer service and attitude has always been super professional. Really appreciate that.
These guys are always very courteous when you communicate with them and will even give you advice on dosage.
Dragon Pharma Dianabol is awesome. great results
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MANUFACTURER: AxiolabsGOAL: Strength & BulkingTYPE: TabsACTIVE INGREDIENT: MethandienoneSTRENGTH: 10mg/tabAMOUNT: 100 tabs
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals Substance: Methandienone Pack: 100 tabs (10 mg/tab)
MANUFACTURER: AxiolabsGOAL: Strength & BulkingTYPE: TabsACTIVE INGREDIENT: MethandienoneSTRENGTH: 50mg/tabAMOUNT: 100 tabs
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma, Europe Substance: Methandienone Pack: 50 mg/tab, 100 tabs
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Substance: Methandienone Pack: 20 tabs (50 mg/tab)
Total Cost:
Jun 23, 2023 (20:55)
Absolutely loved these orals! Great product!