HCG is not an anabolic/androgenic steroid but a natural protein hormone
which develops in the placenta of a pregnant woman. HCG is formed in
the placenta immediately after nidation. It has luteinizing
characteristics since it is quite similar to the luteinizing hormone LH
in the anterior pituitary gland. During the first 6-8 weeks of a
pregnancy the formed HCG allows for continued production of estrogens
and gestagens in the yellow bodies (corpi luteum). Later on, the
placenta itself produces these two hormones.
HCG is manufactured from the urine of pregnant women since it is
exereted in unchanged form from the blood via the woman's urine,
passing through the kidneys. The commercially available HCG is sold as
a dry substance and can be used both in men and women. In women
injectable HCG allows for owlation since it influences the last stages
of the development of the ovum, thus stimulating ovulation. It also
helps produce estrogens and yellow bodies. The fact that exogenous HCG
has characteristics almost identical to those of the luteinizing
hormone (LH) which, as mentioned, is produced in the hypophysis, makes
HCG so very interesting for athletes. In a man the luteinizing hormone
stimulates the Leydig's cells in the testes; this in turn stimulates
production of androgenic hormones (testosterone). For this reason
athletes use injectable HCG to increase the testosterone production.
HCG is often used in combination with anabolic/androgenic steroids
during or after treatment. As mentioned, oral and injectable steroids
cause a negative feedback after a certain level and duration of usage.
A signal is sent to the hypothalamohypophysial testicular axis since
the steroids give the hypothalamus an incorrect signal. The
hypothalamus, in turn, signals the hypophysis to reduce or stop the
production of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and of LH. Thus, the
testosterone production decreases since the testosterone-producing
Leydig's cells in the testes, due to decreased LH, are no longer
sufficiently stimulated. Since the body usually needs a certain amount
of time to get its testosterone production going again, the athlete,
after discontinuing steroid compounds, experiences a difficult
transition phase which often goes hand in hand with a considerable loss
in both strength and muscle mass. Administering HCG directly after
steroid treatment helps to reduce this condition because HCG increases
the testosterone production in the testes very quickly and reliably. In
the event of testicular atrophy caused by megadoses and very long
periods of usage, HCG also helps to quickly bring the testes back to
their original condition (size). Since occasional injections of HCG
during steroid intake can avoid a testicular atrophy, many athletes use
HCG for two to three weeks in the middle of their steroid treatment. It
is often observed that during this time the athlete makes his best
progress with respect to gains in both strength and muscle mass. The
reasons for this is clear. On the one hand, by taking HCG the athlete's
own testosterone level immediately jumps up and, on the other hand, a
large concentration of anabolic substances in the blood is induced by
the steroids. Many bodybuilders, powerlifters, and weightlifters report
a lower sex drive at the end of a difficult workout cycle, immediately
before or after a competition, and especially toward the end of a
steroid treatment. Athletes who have often taken steroids in the past
usually accept this fact since they know that it is a temporary
condition. Those, however who are on the juice all year round, who
might suffer psychological consequences or who would perhaps risk the
breakup of a relationship because of this should consider this drawback
when taking HCG in regular intervals. A reduced libido and
spermatogenesis due to steroids in most cases, can be successfully
cured by treatment with HCG.
Most athletes, however, use HCG at the end of a treatment in order to
avoid a "crash," that is, to achieve the best possible transition into
"natural training." A precondition, however, is that the steroid intake
or dosage be reduced slowly and evenly before taking HCG. Although HCG
causes a quick and significant increase of the endogenic
plasmatestosterone level, unfortunately it is not a perfect remedy to
prevent the loss of strength and mass at the end of a steroid
treatment. The athlete will only experience a delayed re-adjustment, as
has often been observed. Although HCG does stimulate endogenous
testosterone production, it does not help in reestablishing the normal
hypothalamic/pituitary testicular axis. The hypothalamus and pituitary
are still in a refractory state after prolonged steroid usage, and
remain this way while HCG is being used, because the endogenous
testosterone produced as a result of the exogenous HCG represses the
endogenous LH production. Once the HCG is discontinued, the athlete
must still go through a re-adjustment period. This is merely delayed by
the HCG use. For this reason experienced athletes often take Clomid and
Clenbuterol following HCG intake or they immediately begin another
steroid treatment. Some take HCG merely to get off the "steroids" for
at least two to three weeks.
Many bodybuilders, unfortunately, are still of the opinion that HCG
helps them become harder while preparing for a competion by breaking
down subcutaneous fat so that indentations and vascularity are better
exposed. The HCG package insert states clearly that HCG has no known
effect of fat mobilization, appetite or sense of hunger, or body fat
distribution. HCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive
therapy in the treatment of obesity, it does not increase fat losses
beyond that resulting from caloric restriction.
Athlete should iniect 5000 IU every 5 days. Since the testosterone
level, as explained, remains considerably elevated for several days, it
is unnecessary to inject HCG more than once every 5 days. The relative
dose is at the discretion of the athlete and should be determined based
on the duration of his previous steroid intake and on the strength of
the various steroid compounds. Athletes who take steroids for more than
three months and athletes who use primarily the highly androgenic
steroids such as Androlic, Sustanon 250, Cypionate, Dianabol (D-bol)
etc. should take a relatively high dosage. The effective dosage for
athletes is usually 2000-5000 IU per injection and should, as already
mentioned, be injected every 5 days. HCG should only be taken for a 4
weeks maximum.
If HCG is taken by male athletes over many weeks and in high dosages,
it is possible that the testes will respond poorly to a later HCG
intake and a release of the body's own LH. This could result in a
permanent inadequate gonadal function. Cycles on the HCG should be kept
down to around 3 weeks at a time with an off cycle of at least a month
in between. For example, one might use the HCG for 2 or 3 weeks in the
middle of a cycle, and for 2 or 3 weeks at the end of a cycle. It has
been speculated that the prolonged use of HCG could permanently,
repress the body's own production of gonadotropins. This is why short
cycles are the best way to go.
HCG can in part cause side effects similar to those of injectable
testosterone. A higher testosterone production also goes hand in hand
with an elevated estrogen level which could result in gynecomastia.
This could manifest itself in a temporary growth of breasts or
reinforce already existing breast growth in men. Farsighted athletes
thus combine HCG with an antiestrogen. Male athletes also report more
frequent erections and an inereased sexual desire. In high doses it can
cause acne vulgaris and the storing of minerals and water. The last
point must especially be observed since the water retention which is
possible through the use of HCG could give the muscle system a puffy
and watery appearance. Athletes who have already increased their
endogenous testosterone level by taking Clomid and intend subsequently
to take HCG could experience considerable water retention and distinct
feminization symptoms (gynecomastia, tendency toward fat deposits on
the hips). This is due to the fact that high testosterone leads to a
high conversion rate to estrogens. In very young athletes HCG, like
anabolic steroids, can cause an early stunting of growth since it
prematurely closes the epiphysial growth plates. Mood swings and high
blood pressure can also be attributed to the intake of HCG. HCG is also
suitable as "over bridge" doping before a competition with doping
HCG's form of administration is also unusual. The substance
choriongonadotropin is a white powdery freeze-dried substance which is
usually used as a compress. Based on the low structural stability of
this compress it can easily fall apart, thus giving the impression of a
reduced volume. This is, however, insignificant since there is neither
a loss in effect nor a loss of substance. Each package, for each HCG
ampule, includes another ampule with an injection solution containing
isotonic sodium chloride. This liquid, after both ampules have been
opened in a sterile manner, is injected into the HCG ampule and mixed
with the dried substance. The solution is then ready for use and should
be injected intramuscularly. If only part of the substance is injected
the residual solution should be stored in the refrigerator. It is not
necessary to store the unmixed HCG in the refrigerator; however, it
should be kept out of light and below a temperature of 25C. HCG is a
relatively expensive compound.
Jul 25, 2016 (23:13)
I wanted to place an order for the Pregnyl Hcg at the discounted price. It is out of stock. When do you expect it to be available again?