buy Winstrol 50 Inj Dragon Pharma, Europe buy Winstrol 50 Inj Dragon Pharma, Europe
Dragon Pharma

Winstrol 50 Inj

55.00 USD

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Substance: Stanozolol
Pack: 10 ml vial (50 mg/ml)

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Winstrol 50 Inj Detailed

Winstrol 50 (Injectable) Dragon Pharma

Winstrol 50 Inj Reviews
Feb 25, 2019 (07:18)

Just ran this on my last cycle with test-E and deca.. I got great results with it! At first I tried to used the same size syringe ( 23 gauge ) and was concerned because it’s much thicker than the oil based test and wouldn’t ever draw up. I had to get a 20 gauge syringe, then it worked fine. Great product & results!

P.S. I only used the 20 gauge to draw from vile, then I transferred to the 23 to inject

Aug 24, 2017 (01:05)

Hi there, I am interested in this product, how long does it take to get delivered to Australia and do you send instructions on how to use it?

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