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Anabolic steroids are artificial/synthetic substances that have the same compound as testosterone – male sex hormone. These synthetic hormones stimulate skeletal and muscle growth, increase appetite and muscle strength – known as AAS anabolic effect.Women should be cautious when taking these drugs because they progress male sexual characteristics, such as facial hair growth and deepening in the voice - phenomenon known as androgenic effect, these effects are permanent.
Most used steroids in the body building community include: Oxandrolone (Anavar), Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca-Durabolin), Stanozolol (Winstrol), Methandrostenolone (Dianabol), Clenbuterol, Oxymetholone (Anadrol), Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise).
You're probably looking to become bigger, increase your muscle mass and strength if you've come to search for steroids. Everything you're looking for is possible when using the right roids, however, you need to first be informed with how they work! Steroids side effects are irreversible and can seriously damage liver, that's why you are strongly advised to contact a doctor and have blood work done regularly.
Your responsibility is to make sure it is legal in your country/region to buy/use steroids and to get acquainted with customs regulations.
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What do you think how long is good enough and safe enough?
Here is the question: Is 1 ml of testosterone a week enough? What do you want to know about the subject may be covered in this article.
Summer Body Workout. Try this workout for 1 month starting with May month so you look great in June. Be sure to drink lots of water and get enough sleep. It is hard.