Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Oxandrolone
Pack: 50 tabs (10 mg/tab)
Oxandroxyl is an anabolic steroid remedy which can also be found on the market under the trade names Anavar, Oxandrolone, Oksandrin.
The fate of this anabolic in pharmacology is quite typical for all steroids in general. Initially, in 1964, it was synthesized for use in the treatment of various diseases. Oxandrolone originally was developed to treat weakened HIV-infected patients or those with Turner syndrome, anemia, but soon it began to be actively used in bodybuilding. Soon, many athletes have noticed that it has a good anabolic effect, whereas being substantially weaker than testosterone. Oxandroxyl is recommended for people who have sufficient muscle mass and moderate fat content in the body, to obtain muscle relief and reduce body fat.
Some indicators and effects of Oxandroxyl:
Why many bodybuilders prefer to buy Oxandroxyl and not other steroidal agents? It has some advantages and excellent performance:
1. The drug with Oxandrolone active ingredient may strengthen the ability of protein synthesis. By this action it is four times more potent than testosterone. But this action is not intended to intensely and quickly build muscle mass. Primarily Oxandroxyl is designed for people who have a well-developed subcutaneous fat layer to give more muscle relief.
2. Moreover, during the course the bodybuilder will definitely feel increased stiffness of his muscles, as he becomes stronger and is able to cope with the higher loads with each new visit to the gym.
3. The androgenic effect of Oxandroxyl is just miserable - it is only 25% of that of testosterone. This ratio "anabolic/androgen" can not be found among almost any steroid. Now, many excellent reviews about Oxandroxyl are quite clear!
4. This drug also has a certain degree of fat burning qualities.
5. Oxandroxyl side effects typical for oral steroids are expressed much weaker.
How to take Oxandroxyl?
Oxandroxyl is popular among bodybuilders who are trying to increase their strength of muscles. The total duration for this steroid - 6-8 weeks. Further reception is meaningless in terms of a more pronounced effect that increases the chance of side effects.
The dose begins with 20 mg per day, gradually rises to 40 and 80 mg, and then gradually reduces in the same proportion. Oxandroxyl is best combined with such steroids as Primobolan, Sustanon, Testosterone.
Side effects of Oxandroxyl
Oxandroxyl is known as a steroid that has minimal side effects. It turns out that they exist in theory, but rarely occur in practice.
Primarily Oxandroxyl, as other steroids for oral use, must have logically certain toxicity to the liver. It is what it is. But its negative effect is expressed so weakly that you need to regularly take very high doses of this steroid in order to feel them.
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Apr 15, 2022 (04:11)
my favorite for summer stacked with test prop!