buy Masteroxyl 100 Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India buy Masteroxyl 100 Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India buy Masteroxyl 100 Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

Masteroxyl 100

75.00 USD

Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Drostanolone Propionate
Pack: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)

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U.S. Domestic

Masteroxyl 100 Detailed

What is Masteroxyl 100

Masteroxyl 100 is an injectable anabolic with active substance of Drostanolone Propionate - androgenic steroid which is characterized by very distinct androgenic properties with moderate anabolic action. Masteroxyl 100 is perhaps one of the most "exotic" androgenic anabolic steroids used by athletes. Originally it was developed as an anti-estrogen and used to treat breast cancer. It contributed to a significant decrease in estrogen levels in women who received such treatment. Today, for various reasons, it is rarely used for these purposes, but for many athletes and professional bodybuilders in particular it remains to be the favorite among anabolic steroid drugs. It is believed that anti-estrogenic properties of Masteroxyl 100 may in part be related to either the inhibition of synthesis of the enzyme aromatase, or to the direct influence on estrogen by blocking its binding to estrogen receptors. In any case, it makes Masteroxyl 100 a useful drug for those who are using steroid compounds that are converted into estrogen. Masteroxyl 100 has not only anti-estrogenic properties, but also anabolic and androgenic qualities. Although theoretically Masteroxyl 100 is not considered a very strong androgen, in fact, it has a stronger androgenic effect than would be expected. Usage of such androgenic anabolic steroid as Masteroxyl 100 leads to reduction of the natural production of testosterone. So do not think that Masteroxyl 100 can be used as an alternative to post-cycle therapy. Despite the anti-estrogenic effect, it will impede recovery.


How to take Masteroxyl 100

Drostanolone Propionate is usually performed at a dosage of 50-150 mg/ml which must be injected in a day. Masteroxyl 100 can be used in combination with other drugs, as well as separately. In the latter case, the dose is usually increased. Men are advised to take Masteroxyl 100 from 300 to 500 mg a day per week or once every three days, since the active substance acts to three days. Due to the high probability of virilization, women should not exceed the recommended dose of 25-50 mg/day or take Masteroxyl 100 more frequently than once every three days.


Side effects of Masteroxyl 100

Masteroxyl 100 has antiestrogenic properties, thereby eliminating many of the undesirable side effects, such as gynecomastia, fluid retention and dangerous rise in blood pressure. Although Masteroxyl 100 steroid is moderate and theoretically has weak androgenic properties, in practice, as already mentioned, the quality of its androgenic effect is often somewhat more than in theory. Briefly, using Masteroxyl 100, the following side effects may occur: hair loss (the tendency to baldness), aggression, and acne. If acne is observed with other androgens such as testosterone, then the probability of its occurrence with Masteroxyl 100 is high. As is the case with any other drugs, it is not possible to predict the individual response of the individual as a side effect, since the effects of the same drug in different people will always differ not only in form, but also in degree. You must know that there is a potential adverse reaction and take this into account when planning the course.
Masteroxyl 100 Reviews
Mar 25, 2022 (14:52)

Great product to be used for cutting cycle.

Dec 21, 2018 (04:11)

Mast 100 works well. I tend to favor this brand too. Reliable site. Been using for years never had an issue.

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