buy Haloxyl Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India buy Haloxyl Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India buy Haloxyl Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals


75.00 USD

Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Fluoxymesterone
Pack: 50 tabs (10 mg/tab)

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U.S. Domestic

Haloxyl Detailed

What is Haloxyl

Fluoxymesterone (Haloxyl, Halotestin, Halotest) is an oral steroid that is a derivative of testosterone with a very high androgenic activity. Anabolic activity of the substance is expressed rather weakly.

Haloxyl main application lies in gain of power performance in weightlifters - when you want to gain strength without adding weight. Sometimes it is used by bodybuilders in the last weeks before the competitions to make the muscles tighter, achieve a better separation fnd also lose less muscle mass in the last days before the competition. Weightlifters and powerlifters often use Fluoxymesterone in those cases when it is necessary to maintain a certain weight, because they are interested in gaining strength without increasing weight. In bodybuilding, this substance is used almost exclusively in the preparation for the competition, since the active chemical ingredient is strongly androgenic while at the same time has a weak flavoring effect. With low fat content, Haloxyl provides a more pronounced muscle firmness and form. This leads to an optically more massive look, since the muscle density is improved. The drug is also good because it does not lead to water retention at a daily dose of 20 mg.

All effects from Haloxyl are due to its strong androgenic activity. It causes a very strong aggression, while the fear not to handle the weight on the bar completely disappears. Haloxyl also increases the production of hemoglobin, which increases general endurance. It greatly reduced the time needed to recuperate after working with heavy weights. This is one of the reasons why the drug is popular among athletes, football players and especially boxers.

How to use Haloxyl

The drug is available in the form of tablets of 5 and 10 mg. Dosages used in sport - 10-40 mg per day. Half-life - 6-8 hours, so better to divide the daily dose into 2-3 doses. Bodybuilders usually take 20 mg per day, while lifters take no less than 30 mg, and sometimes much more. The number of tablets is generally divided into two equal halves and used morning and evening, with abundant liquid. The tablets can be taken during meals without losing effects on the body.

Fluoxymesterone can be used both solo and in combination with drugs such as Trenbolone or Nandrolone.

Side effects of Haloxyl

With all the positive qualities, Fluoxymesterone is a highly toxic steroid. Along with Anapolon and Methyltestosterone, this oral steroid often causes various side effects:

- oily skin;

- acne;

- dandruff;

- aggression.

Women should not take this androgen absolutely - virilization will be noticeable after the first tablet. However, testosterone is not strongly suppressed when using Haloxyl. It is also necessary to remember that Haloxyl is toxic for the liver. Therefore, during and after the course it is best to support the liver in good condition and hold a reasonable approach to dosage and duration of the course. Those who would like to try the drug, should limit Haloxyl administration to a maximum of 4 weeks at a dose of no more than 20 mg per day. A longer administration of the drug promotes the highest possible effects on the liver.
Haloxyl Reviews
Jun 3, 2022 (10:57)

Fluoxymesterone is a highly toxic steroid

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